A downloadable asset pack

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A magical Moon over a mountain at Dusk. 2 Different backgrounds. A perfect asset for a Castlevania like game. 

These backgrounds are  layered and looped seamless for a perfect parallax effect. 

You may use these assets in personal or commercial projects. You may modify these assets to suit your needs. 

Credit is not required but appreciated it.




Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(62 total ratings)
Tags16-bit, Backgrounds, game-art, Mountains, parallax, Pixel Art
Asset licenseCreative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

MountainDuskGodot.zip 7.9 MB
Super Mountain Dusk Files.zip 2.5 MB

Development log


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These are fantastic! Everyone loves to see these towering mountains in the background go parallaxing along! Thank you for posting these, and thank you for getting me started in Godot programming by letting me use them. I have credited you on the page for my first project.

I know 0 about game deploying, I start with Python and try to make a school final assignment,the image is too small! I guess I can't directly use them but write an amplifier func instead?

This collection have any file not present in original Gothicvania and Warped collection?

No. Nothing new here. 

The collections have everything and are up to date. This pack is included in the Gothicvania Collection.

thx bro im new in developing i hope to be good developer

Glad to hear and help. Best wishes!

thank you kind sir


You are welcome!

your background is awesome . i might use it for this magic girl #10 thematic next Game Jam .  I 'll give you credit  .   i love that pixelated font style by the way . how can i get it ?

Thanks, CHeck https://somepx.itch.io/ for pixel fonts.


Created a new YouTube intro using this!

Cool! thanks for sharing!

Thank you sir. 

you are welcome!


This is great:)

Thanks bro!!! It's realy good!!!

You are welcome!


Your backgrounds are really nice. I edited this one and combined it with some from the Sci-fi collection to get a nice desert background for my game. So thanks for that and for 1 explosion included in the sci-fi pack.

I can use and I can sell my game on EpicStore or itch.io any site use your asset? Of course I give you credit. I promise you


Hey friend! I just released my first game using one of your parallax backgrounds and gave you credit. Thanks for creating such gorgeous artwork and for allowing me to use it to learn how to make a game.


Deleted 1 year ago

OK, I'm a complete n00b, and I just want the pretty animated gif as a background for discord calls when I'm playing D&D with friends on camera. I don't know how to save the ASE file as an animated gif, that's all I want, and honestly that's what I thought I paid for. :/ Any help would be appreciative.


I can help you! Try exporting each frame as a PNG and using this: https://gifmaker.me/

Thank you!


Thanks for the resources. I used this background for the cover of my track: Ambiguty

Thanks for this asset. I actually only ended up using the trees...that I paired with another one of your assets (you do great work!). I credited you and, of course, following you to use more of your excellent assets in the future.

My game, if interested: https://stealthyshiroean.itch.io/last-stand


Thanks heaps. I used it for my game: A Soft Fall.

A Soft Fall by Printer_Not_Found (itch.io)

It really looks beautiful!

This is a really nice backdrop, has exactly what I was looking for too

Hi, thanks so much for this asset.  I was able to use it to test a custom GPU I'm building for my home-made 8-bit computer:

Forum thread is here: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/fpga/fpga-vga-controller-for-8-bit-computer/msg398...

I used it in the final of my game

Great! Thanks for sharing.

(1 edit) (+2)

Beautiful work, thank you ansimuz! I'm using this in my game Wizard Man.



This is a very good background. I am using it for my game


Hey tio! Ando haciendo un jueguecillo, y me ha venido de lujo el fundo por capas para el efecto parallax. Eres un máquina, muchisimas gracias por este pedazo de escenario! ^^

Me alegro que te sirvieran. Saludos!



Great colors


Hey! We used this in the title screen of our game. We passed it by when looking for assets, and we had to come back to it. Thanks for your work!

Here's our game, in case you want to see how we used it. ;)

You are featured in a flame game engine example!


I've used your art in my game. Ofcourse i gave you credits :)


(1 edit) (+1)

nice game

Bom, estou aqui somente avisand que utilizarei sua arte em meu jogo, muito obrigado, sua arte  e incrivel.

thanks a lot! was used in my game :)

can I use these in a game that I will sell on stores? I won't sell the assets I will sell the game that I will made using the assets.



Can i use them in my commercial game ?

(2 edits)

Hello! Just used this art as part of a background for a music video. Please check it out and tell me what you think. Thank you to the amazing talent of ansimuz for taking the music up a notch.

What a track :O 

Can you help me with my game?

Sorry I am not available. Cheers.


Thank you!!!
